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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Happy, Happy, Birthday to Me!

The day has finally come guys, the day I finally turn 18, aka "Liberation Day." I've been waiting for this day all my life, wondering as a little Girl what it would be like when I become a grown Woman and how affected it would be. I though by the time I turn 18, I would've picked out my own Place, have my own Car, a Boyfriend (Well....hehehe...), and basically everything an Adult has....Oops, I almost forgot, a J-O-B! You can also thank my Mother for making this Day very special for me since she took me to Dinner and a Show! So today, I'm going to explain to you guys how I celebrated my special day.

If your Class time on your Birthday is basically a period for you to get caught up with your work, work ahead, or like me, doing-nothing-since-your-basically-caught-up-and-since-you-get-bored-and-excited-easily-for-no-reason, then that's a Birthday Present from your Teacher. AND if another Teacher gives that to you. Thanks Ms. K and Ms. V! And if you don't have any other classes since your waiting for the finals in those classes, another automatic Birthday Present! Thanks other-Teachers-whos-names-shall-remain-nameless. Forget classwork, let's get to the good part!

My Mom took me to one of the AMC theaters downtown as a Birthday Gift (Hey, I didn't really care for Cake like I used to). We almost missed the movie since she had to make a quick run to take care of some business at her job. What movie? "Everything, Everything." In fact, I'm going to write a movie review on here since there's some information (No spoilers) I want to clear off my chest about the movie. Guess what? It was one of those dine-in movie theaters, in other words DINNER AND A SHOW! And best of all.....NO USHERRRRRRRR! Burger and Fries with a Diet Cola for me and some Wings and a Diet Cola for Ma. I noticed that Movie Theaters aren't as popular as they were when I was a Kid, probably because of all the Bootleg copies and Internet. Wanna watch a Movie? Don't worry, it'll be on Google in 2-4 business days. Wanna save $10 on some Popcorn? No worries, there's bound to be a Dollar Tree somewhere in your neighborhood! Pop? Same place. Candy. Same place. A Date? Well, I'll leave that up to you. After it was over, were decided to make a quick stroll around Block 37 into a beautiful Boutique, there's so many of them so I'll just tell you the name: Akira. So beautiful, so expensive, so worth it! Thank one of the Workers (A Guy) for giving me a compliment on my Dress, even though it wasn't nearly worth half as the Clothes they sell there. When we were coming home, we saw that Channel 7 was filming...LIVE! YES! Now we're home, tired, and just sitting back watching some good o'l Fox.

Well, that's my Birthday for ya!~ Enjoy your Wednesday! Also, enjoy this Birthday Photo, it really took the Cake!

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